Media & Events
2019 and 2020
- Chile – International innovation and entrepreneurship consultant at Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
- HRIpreneur (Human-Robot-Interaction), Conference, Italy, talk on “Innovation Imperative,” 2020
- Maker Weekend, Viña del Mar, Chile, talk on “Innovation & Entrepreneurship,” 2020 and 2018
- Numerous talks on campus and Pittsburgh region
- HD66 book signings and talks: Tazza D’Oro, Pitt University Store, Mystery Lovers Bookshop and numerous book clubs
- Women in Innovation and Technology Symposium, Washington University
- Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
- TechVibe Radio on KDKA 1020 AM
- Brazil – Guest professor of entrepreneurship for graduate students and faculty at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and presentations of “Concept to Commercialization” and “Training Engineers for Commercialization” at the 9th International Symposium for Industrial Engineering (IX Symposio Internacional de Ingenieria Industrial: Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias)
- Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) 2016 conference, “Entrepreneurship Competitions: What Works Well, What Doesn’t and Where They Are Headed”
- University of Louisville, Trifecta Life-Sciences Training Modules, “Academic Entrepreneurship & What I Wish I Knew Then”
- “Going Deep With Aaron” podcast:
- TechVibe Radio: Innovation Institute, Women In Bio-Pittsburgh
- Technology Transfer Tactics’ Distance Learning webinar, “Women in Tech Transfer: How TTOs Can Overcome Gender Barriers and Expand Commercialization Activity”
- Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), 2015 conference, panelist
- Startup Global, facilitated panel, “Crafting an International Business Strategy”
- Keynote, Biomedical Breakfast series
- Portugal, from 2011-2014, four visits to Portugal and various universities to teach technology transfer professionals, university leadership, entrepreneurs and students, plus design implement an entrepreneur-in-residence program, sometimes as part of the CMU-Portugal Program through a partnership with CMU’s Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation and the University Technology Enterprise Network
- Turkey, 2013-2014, two visits to four cities and universities in Turkey to teach entrepreneurship and technology transfer to technology transfer professionals, university leadership, faculty and graduate students through the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) and organizations and universities in Turkey
- NCET2 annual conference, “What’s new in University Startup Creation Programs”
- Numerous campus talks at University of Pittsburgh in various schools/departments
- NAI 1st annual conference, “The importance of student IP”
- ASEE annual conference “Opportunities & Methods to Encourage more Women Toward Research Commercialization”
- Pitt’s Swanson School of Engineering, “What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur”
- Women in Bio Pittsburgh, “Creating Your Path: Success through Entrepreneurship”
- Health 2.0, “Bringing New Healthcare Technologies to Market”
- University Economic Development Association annual conference “The Explosion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Campuses”
- Awarded Life Sciences CEO by law firm Pepper Hamilton for: “her tireless service to the growth of the regional technology sector, especially through her roles as consultant, consoler, educator, founder, funder, and sage of local life sciences companies.”
- Algeria. I gave a weeklong series of workshops in entrepreneurship and provided mentoring to startups and incubators in a program sponsored by the Commercial Law Development Program, US Department of Commerce
- Business panel facilitator, International Forum of Visual Practitioners
- Google, Mountain View CA: Panel, “Two by Two: Founder Couples as Partners,” and Project OIympus overview
- Pittsburgh Chapter of the Project Management Institute, Engineers’ Society
- Entertainment Technology Center, CMU
- Women in Materials Science & Engineering lunch, CMU
- Panelist, National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer, NCET2, 2012 Conference, Washington DC, NSF SBIR/STTR Innovation Accelerator.
Babs spoke about entrepreneurship at numerous student organizations, such as:
- Industry Academics Clinicians Together (IACT), a new student organization for CMU and Pitt to collaboratively solve some of healthcare’s thorniest problems
- Bioengineering Innovation and Commercialization Program, a new program at Pitt led in partnership by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) of Pitt and the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse (PLSG).
- Association of Pittsburgh Area Chinese Entrepreneurs, A-PACE, as the inaugural speaker for this new organization of Chinese students interested in entrepreneurship
- “Ask an Angel,” sponsored by the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club at CMU
At CMU, Babs helped to host the NSF/Innovation Accelerator featuring:
- “Robobowl Next-Generation Robotics Venture Competition,” the first national robotics entrepreneurial competition, October 13, 2011
- “Innovation Summit@CMU,” a day-long NSF SBIR case study company presentation, October 14, 2011
- Bishoff Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Penn State University
- Author, “NewVenturist Roadmap to Success,” National Academy of Inventors (NAI) journal, Technology and Innovation.
- Co-author, “Opportunities & Methods to Encourage more Women Toward Research Commercialization,” presented at American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2013
- Long Distance Marriage, published in
- Teaching Entrepreneurship in Engineering, published on Stanford’s Epicenter and on NewVenturist, was also published in Innovation Daily
- Success of Business Plan Development Course Offered to Physicians Enrolled in a Master’s in Medical Management Program: A Pilot Educational Project
- Kishore J. Harjai, MD, MMM; BabsCarryer, MPM, published in Journal of Health Administration Education (Download PDF)

Going Deep with Aaron
Women in Bio newsletter article about Babs and HD66
“Going Deep With Aaron” podcast, “Babs Carryer teaches entrepreneurship around the world”
Generations, Arts, and Entrepreneurism – an Interview with Babs Carryer; The Muse Dialog
Jillian Brinberg