Value proposition, post #9 of “Startup Briefs”
As the school year gets underway, and I prep for practical, outside the classroom entrepreneurial education, I am reminded of the importance of value proposition. Sometimes that term gets bandied about as part of...
Funding, the ABCs, post #5 of “Startup Briefs”
It is very important to understand the different types of funding, the different types of funders. Remember that any investment is an investment into YOU, so you had better be well-versed in the terms and conditions of private...
Translation: more, better, faster – with Safaba
Sometimes I get the pleasure of writing about a startup from the very beginning because I was there. Safaba is one example. The two founders, Alon Lavie and Bob Olszewski, came to me for some advice during my stint as embedded...
A glimpse of the future: Baxter the robot
Rodney Brooks, a thought leader in robotics and entrepreneurship, came to Pittsburgh the other day. Carnegie Mellon, courtesy of Matt Mason and the Robotics Institute, hosted Rod for the public unveiling of his new talk, “A new...
The rise of entrepreneurship in engineering schools
Entrepreneurship in engineering departments at universities is a growing trend. We see this at Stanford’s NSF-funded, Epicenter, dedicated to “creating a nation of entrepreneurial engineers.” And we see signs elsewhere, at other...
Ekso Bionics, making those who can’t, walk!
One of the best things in life is being able to do good and do well. Companies that do this are special. Companies that use robotics to do this are rare jewels. Such a company is Ekso Bionics. Founded in 2005 with a license from...
Moving past military applications
A couple of weeks ago, NewVenturist featured a story about how important the military is to spawning robotics companies. The military has needs and money to spur development of the technologies that form the foundation of many...