Entrepreneurship in Mexico
Entrepreneurship is gaining support in various developing nations around the world; I want to address more specifically entrepreneurship in Mexico. Entrepreneurship has expanded tremendously in Mexico, now there are more than 500...
Importance of Entrepreneurship for African Americans
My mother sacrificed a lot, working two jobs early on in my life to make sure I could have more than she had as a child. She had me at the age of 21 and wasn’t able continue her college education, which made her a big proponent...
Building bridges: A profile of TingaTinga Capital
All successful start-ups have to navigate the waters of failure as they bridge the gap between starting a venture and seeing it succeed in the real world. One such start-up’s business model hopes to serve as the bridge for 3rd...
Robots in life, not a dream anymore: Romotive brings robots into our lives
The world has been dreaming of robots that can do something for them every day. Automation has been all over the industries since decades. Either robots are toys that don’t serve a purpose for all or are too expensive and can...
Women entrepreneurs: a global perspective
The gender disparity in the business world in general, and entrepreneurship specifically, has recently garnered renewed attention in light of the recent Global Entrepreneurship Week and Women’s Enterprise Day. The UK’s unofficial...
What hackathons have taught me about entrepreneurship and startups
Hackathon’s are the breeding grounds of software-based entrepreneurs. To anyone who’s never heard of a hackathon: it’s a short, 24 to 48 hour, competition where dozens of hackers come together to build something “awesome”...
Teaching entrepreneurship in engineering
Instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate engineers is essential if we want our bright young talent to innovate and then productize those innovations to better mankind. Tuition at top engineering schools is close to...
Is green red or black?
Few startups ever dream of having their name called out during a presidential debate, yet this political season there were a few that wish they hadn’t been. Regardless of which side of the aisle you sit, it is becoming more and...
Comparing entrepreneurship in Europe and in the US
I come from in Austria, a small country in Central Europe, which is also the birthplace of Dietrich Mateschitz, the founder of Red Bull. In 1987, he got together with a businessman from Thailand and introduced the now ubiquitous...
Starting a company while finishing a degree
Many students at universities have great ideas for companies while they are still enrolled and taking classes. If you talk to any of the students who has actively pursued these ideas they will tell you one thing it’s a lot of...