For the third year CMU celebrates entrepreneurship as part of the week before Thanksgiving, dubbed Global Entrepreneurship Week by our nation’s foundation for entrepreneurship, Kauffman Foundation.
During one week year, thousands of activities around the world inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial action while connecting them to potential mentors, collaborators, and investors. Global Entrepreneurship Week has grown from an idea in 2007 to a worldwide phenomenon.
The week’s events@CMU can be found on Facebook or at The events are focused around students and faculty, but are open to the public.
Unleashing entrepreneurship@CMU during Global Entrepreneurship Week
During one week year, thousands of activities around the world inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial action while connecting them to potential mentors, collaborators, and investors. Global Entrepreneurship Week has grown from an idea in 2007 to a worldwide phenomenon.
The week’s events@CMU can be found on Facebook or at The events are focused around students and faculty, but are open to the public.
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