GA Tech’s Extensive Robotics Program
Frank Tobe, creator of Everything-Robotic and Editor/Publisher of The Robot Report, has visited the main universities that excel in robotics. This story from his own blog centers around Georgia Tech. Stay tuned for additional...
It takes the military to spawn robotics
Sometimes a company is founded because it stumbles upon a niche that it can fill better than any other company. Such a company is RE2. Founded by Jorgen Pedersen as a contract engineering house to fill a need for unmanned systems...
Automation is now
Many successful businesses today optimize the mix of humans, robots, and algorithms. Robots have been around for years in industrial uses. More recently, robots have found new uses solving real-world problems…creating great...
Moving past robotics – it’s all about the market
Eric Close, CEO of RedZone Robotics is adamant: “It’s not about robotics; it’s about business!” RedZone is proving that there is a market for what robots can do. It has taken a long time to get there, but the future of this...
Robotics in medicine
Robotics in healthcare is one of the next big waves of innovation. There are only four public healthcare device companies with a base in robotics: Accuray (CyberKnife® and TomoTherapy® Systems for radiation oncology), Hansen...
Robotic telepresence grows up
iRobot is the HP of robotics companies, having spawned multiple startups that use robotics to solve real world problems. VGo is yet another startup offspring from the iRobot mothership. Founded by Tom Ryden, who was with iRobot...
It’s not a robot; it’s a tool!
Charlie Grinnell is a practical guy. That’s why he is the co-founder and CEO of Harvest Automation, which is a robotics company in the non-food agricultural space. Wait…practicality and robotics? How do those go together?...
The world needs robots
Rodney Brooks knows about robots. He should – he co-founded the most well-known robotics company, iRobot Corp (Nasdaq: IRBT), which had revenues of almost $466M in 2011. Rodney is a leader in the field of robotics...
State of Entrepreneurship in Robotics
Robotics has long promised that its day would come: robots would be everywhere doing manual chores and servicing people. Or maybe robots would take over the world and people would be subservient to them? This guest post...
No time off for busy parent entrepreneurs
Solve a problem that you have. That’s usually good advice to first-time entrepreneurs. And that’s exactly what Angela Conley and Chaz Giles did – they founded MomTrusted because THEY NEEDED CHILDCARE! With two young children, the...