Translation: more, better, faster – with Safaba
Sometimes I get the pleasure of writing about a startup from the very beginning because I was there. Safaba is one example. The two founders, Alon Lavie and Bob Olszewski, came to me for some advice during my stint as embedded...
Robots mean business
Today, robotics is far more than a cool hobby, toy, or hard-to-fund hardware startup. Robots have entered the 21st century as cost-effective solutions to market problems. The Robobusiness Leadership Summit, which just took place...
A glimpse of the future: Baxter the robot
Rodney Brooks, a thought leader in robotics and entrepreneurship, came to Pittsburgh the other day. Carnegie Mellon, courtesy of Matt Mason and the Robotics Institute, hosted Rod for the public unveiling of his new talk, “A new...
Reinventing the stroller (and the bouncy seat, playard, and more): 4moms
You can’t talk about robotics and entrepreneurship without including a few stars like 4moms and co-founders, Henry Thorne and Rob Daley. Like other robotics companies posted about in NewVenturist, 4moms was never about the...
Who is Jack Dorsey?
Last week, I met Jack Dorsey, who came to CMU to recruit for Square. My blog entitles me to press status I guess, so I got to spend a half hour with him and about three other people. Thank you Catherine Copetas! Square is the...
The characters of robots
In addition to being useful in all kinds of applications, from surgery to delivery, robots can be cute too. Such a robot is Keepon, made by BeatBots. Marek Michalowski is the roboticist behind BeatBots. The company was founded in...
Ekso Bionics, making those who can’t, walk!
One of the best things in life is being able to do good and do well. Companies that do this are special. Companies that use robotics to do this are rare jewels. Such a company is Ekso Bionics. Founded in 2005 with a license from...
Aethon’s TUG robot navigates its way to commercial success
This article is part of a series on robotics and entrepreneurship. Check out the other NewVenturist articles: Two different approaches to spawn robotics; one common thread, RE2 and Liquid Robotics, August 28 Moving past military...
Two different approaches to spawn robotics; one common thread
Sometimes a company is founded because it stumbles upon a niche that it can fill better than any other company. Such a company is RE2 (Robotics Engineering Excellence). Founded by Jorgen Pedersen as a contract engineering house...
Moving past military applications
A couple of weeks ago, NewVenturist featured a story about how important the military is to spawning robotics companies. The military has needs and money to spur development of the technologies that form the foundation of many...