Thoughtful article on about whether the millennial generation is cut out for the highly competitive global job market. Author is Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a contributor and a nationally syndicated columnist. The article examines the Gen Y cohort of 50 million people now between 18 and 30, the children of baby boomers or older members of generation X, who comprise the millennial generation, and questions their inflated senses of self worth and whether they will be able to match their needs and expectations with reality. Worth a read:
I don’t find that this argument holds true for the new venturists that I profile on this blog, the majority of whom fit into the millennial category. But then, I am featuring maverick individuals who are starting their own thing, who are not trying to fit into the corporate world. And they are hard working, value creating individuals who are using every skill that they have to build something meaningful and substantial that people will use.
Are millennials cut out for this job market?
I don’t find that this argument holds true for the new venturists that I profile on this blog, the majority of whom fit into the millennial category. But then, I am featuring maverick individuals who are starting their own thing, who are not trying to fit into the corporate world. And they are hard working, value creating individuals who are using every skill that they have to build something meaningful and substantial that people will use.
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